Original Article Here:

The longer I live & serve, the more intentional I have to be at keeping my heart open and fully alive. To guard against my heart becoming hard. Hardness of heart is a condition that people on the other side of God develop. Pharaoh had it. Israel did on occasion. And the Pharisees specialized in it. Not exactly great company if you ask me. So, it’s a little bit vulnerable to admit you struggle with it. But I do. Like a physician who sees illness or tragedy every day, you develop a way of dealing with the pain. And some of that’s healthy. But if I don’t monitor things carefully, I can move into full seasons where I don’t feel much of anything at all. My heart can grow hard.

What are some early warning signs of a hard heart?

  1. You don’t really celebrate and you don’t really cry. Well, you might on the outside, but in reality, you don’t feel it.
  2. You stop genuinely caring. Enough said.
  3. So much of what’s supposed to be meaningful feels mechanical. From your personal friendships to your family to work, the feeling’s gone.
  4. Passion is hard to come by. For anything.
  5. You no longer believe the best about people. Even when you meet someone, you’re thinking about what’s going to go wrong, not what’s going to go right.

How does it happen? Here are a few ways:

You focus on patterns, not people. You can become cynical when you realize the people who say they want to change (and at first you believe them), don’t change. When I become fixated on the patterns, not the people beneath them, my heart grows hard. Patterns are discouraging. People aren’t.

You over-protect a broken heart. People promise and don’t deliver. You trusted someone and your trust was misplaced. How you respond is so critical. It’s easy to shield yourself from people. It’s easy to stop trusting, stop loving, stop believing. But that would be a mistake. It kills your heart.

You stop looking for what’s good in people and situations. Because life has its disappointments, and people are still people even after they become Christians (it’s amazing how that happens), it’s easy to focus on personal and organization shortcomings. If you keep that up, it can be all you focus on.

You accept a harder heart as a new normal. A hardened heart isn’t inevitable, but it does take intentional effort to guard against one. When you feel your heart becoming hard, you need to take action and fight against it. If you work at it, your heart can stay supple. When you pick away at the callous, something wonderful God created still beats underneath. And you enter a new season of life wiser, but very much fully alive.

****************CHINESE TRANSLATION**********************



  1. 你不喜悦欢呼,也不真正哭泣。你可能站在外围观望,但却无法真正感受。
  2. 你什么也不在乎了。就是这么简单。
  3. 原先对于你来说十分有意义的事情现在都只是机械地重复了。无论是友谊、家庭、还是工作,原先的感觉都已经不在了。
  4. 你对任何事情都难以产生激情。
  5. 你不再相信别人的最好一面。当你与人初次会面的时候,你所想的只是可能会出错的地方,而不是变好的地方。





